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Safety First: The Role of CPR Certification in Security Services

TL;DR: With 17.3% of cardiac arrests occurring in public places, CPR-certified security guards are essential. They often witness emergencies like cardiac arrest, choking, and seizures. CPR training allows guards to respond quickly, improving survival rates and public trust. It also boosts their confidence, teamwork, and career prospects. Security firms should implement CPR training and regular…

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What is the Survival Rate for Individuals Who Receive CPR?

TL;DR: CPR significantly boosts survival chances during cardiac emergencies, but success depends on factors like quick action, quality of CPR, and access to an AED. Time is critical, with each minute without CPR reducing survival rates by 7-10%. Training and community awareness are crucial: bystander CPR can double survival rates, especially in public places. AED…

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Make Your CPR More Effective by Avoiding Common Mistakes

TL;DR: Proper CPR knowledge is essential for saving lives during emergencies, such as cardiac arrest. Common CPR mistakes include not checking for breathing, ignoring safety hazards, interrupting compressions, failing to allow chest recoil, over-ventilating, and hesitating due to a lack of confidence. El Paso Police Department highlights the importance of CPR training to avoid these…

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Community CPR: Preparing for Emergencies This Autumn

Autumn is a season of vibrant foliage, cozy sweaters, and the enticing aroma of pumpkin spice lattes. But it’s also a time when emergencies can strike unexpectedly. From accidents during fall activities to seasonal health issues, being prepared for emergencies is essential. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of CPR certification as a crucial…

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The Connection Between El Paso’s Climate and CPR Emergencies

El Paso, Texas, is known everywhere for its dry climate, giving way to scorching summers. While the desert weather attracts many residents and tourists, it also brings some challenges, particularly regarding medical emergencies. Namely, between 2007 and 2009, one of the three leading causes of death in all El Paso residents, regardless of age or…

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Guardians of the Block: Neighborhood Watch and CPR Training

Earlier this year, a neighborhood in El Paso, Texas, got an unfortunate reminder of how crucial it is to know how to react during a medical emergency when a 14-year-old boy experienced cardiac arrest in his home. Luckily, his father jumped into action and started giving him CPR while waiting for the EMTs. A few…

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CPR Guidelines in Texas

CPR is truly an amazing method that we should practice more. Ever since the 1960s, CPR is an integral part of emergency medical care. With its potential to save lives, everyone and everywhere should be familiar with CPR and have the knowledge to perform it. So, are we really at a point where we think…

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Average Cost of CPR Certification in El Paso

In the US, 9 out of 10 people that go into cardiac arrest outside the hospital die annually. This statistic, as many other regarding cardiovascular disease in America, point to the importance of CPR. When it comes to contributing to public safety and preparedness in emergencies, CPR plays a vital role. Anyone can learn how…

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What You Need to Know About AEDs and CPR

We want to help get you prepared for an emergency, so we’re going to look at what you need to know about AEDs and CPR. CPR, short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or AED, also known as an automated external defibrillator are two widely known terms when it comes to cardiac arrests and saving someone’s life. In…

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Who Should Be Trained and Certified in CPR?

It’s a good idea for as many people to be trained in CPR if they can, but let’s look at who should be trained and certified in CPR. One of the most rewarding situations must be being able to assist another person whose life is in danger. As life can be unpredictable, you might come…

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